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Instrumental Tracks




"The Five Solas"


By God alone I’m saved from my sin. 
To God alone be glory! Amen. 

The Word of God is truth revealed for man to know God’s law; 
The standard of reality, the Bible guides in all. 
There is no other book divine, no other sacred tome, 
The truth of God lies nowhere else but in His Word alone. 

Salvation is a gift of God, so may no human boast: 
By grace alone have saints been saved and blessed to uttermost! 
No, nothing else can save my soul, my sin that can atone, 
The sinner, now redeemed by God, is saved by grace alone. 

The works of nat’ral man cannot appease the wrath of God, 
Through Christian faith the Savior saves and stays the Father’s rod. 
For God could not my sin forgive through merits of my own, 
The guilty wretch is justified by God through faith alone. 

When first the sin of man appeared, the Lord withdrew His hand; 
Thus Christ became a man and died to bridge the awful span; 
No other One could mediate between me and God’s throne, 
The wayward son, restored to God, finds hope in Christ alone.

O praise the God who saves the weak, O glorify His name, 
Let all creation with one voice His wondrous deeds proclaim! 
Who else deserves the laud, the praise? It is not flesh and bone. 
May all of life e’er glorify our King, our God, alone!

"In the Eventide"


In the eventide, in the dark of night, 
When our breaking hearts fail to see the light. 
Help us then to rest in Your faithfulness, 
And the sovereignty of your grace. 

Lord, while we wait for Your return, 
Grant us the strength to stand. 

There is hope in Jesus Christ, 
In His sacrifice we find peace; 
Shadows of this sinful life 
Will fade away in glorious light. 

When the hurt’s so deep I can hardly breathe, 
When Your ocean waves all break over me, 
I remember You and Your steadfast truth; 
Though the earth gives way, You are good. 

Lord, while we wait for Your return, 
Grant us the grace to stand. 

There is hope in Jesus Christ, 
In His sacrifice we find peace; 
Shadows of this sinful life 
Will fade away in glorious light. 

Lord, while we wait for Your return, 
Grant us the strength to stand. 

There is hope in Jesus Christ, 
In His sacrifice we find peace; 
Shadows of this sinful life 
Will fade away in glorious light.

"The Lord is a Mighty King"


The Lord is a mighty King: the King of all nations, 
The Maker of everything, let His handiwork say, 
“I am His, I am His! Creator owns creation.” 
See what power there is in the Sov'reign who reigns. 

The Lord is a holy King: the Judge rules from heaven; 
His wrath He will surely bring on the man who rebels. 
O my sin, O my sin! How can I be forgiven? 
There is justice in Him; is there mercy as well? 

The Lord is a gracious King: for those who believe Him, 
His Son is an offering for their sins to atone; 
I’m redeemed, I’m redeemed! By grace I have received Him, 
By His death on the tree I have peace at His throne. 

The Lord is a faithful King: He never will leave us; 
His children will ever sing of His glorious love. 
O my soul, O my soul is safely bound in Jesus; 
All His virtues extol, for the Lord reigns above.


Music by Cody Curtis

Lyrics by Cody Curtis

("In the Eventide" co-written by Melody Curtis)


Produced by Cody Curtis

Engineered by Dewey Boyd

Recorded at Pleasant Plains Baptist Church in Jackson, TN

Mixed by Dewey Boyd at Forty-one Fifteen

Artwork by Cody Curtis


The Players 

Lead Vocals: Thomas Griffith and Kelsie Edgren



Acoustic Guitar: Thomas Griffith

Piano: Cody Curtis

Drums: David Key

Cello: Ben Rico


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