Speaking Engagements

Cody Curtis (DMA) is the director of Psallos and composes all the music and lyrics. He is a university professor who loves to talk about Scripture, theology, and music. Some potential topics include
Music and theology
The role of music in Christian worship
The Book of Romans
The Book of Hebrews
The Book of Jude
The Book of Philippians
Selected psalms
Lectures can consist of live performances of our music or other selections.
To schedule Cody for a speaking engagement, email us at psallosmusic@gmail.com. ​​
Live shows are a rarity for us these days, but if you would like to contact us about an event, especially a conference, do so at psallosmusic@gmail.com.
As an alternative, we are pleased to offer Performance Packages to allow churches and other groups to perform the music themselves. Each package comes with scores, instrumental parts, chord charts, and audio files to help you learn and play the music. Also included is a one-hour video session with the composer.