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Organize a Hebrews Listening Party

If you're enjoying the Hebrews album and want to share it with others, we encourage you to host a Listening Party at your church. Find a night on your calendar for your church to listen to Hebrews together. Meet in your sanctuary or some other space that can project both audio and video. While the album is playing, display the lyrics on the screen for people to follow along. We've made the PowerPoint slides available for you to use, or you can purchase some of the ESV lyric booklets to distribute (if you choose this route, people can take them home with them). We're also working on making a video for you display, but more about that later!

with track numbers from the album

An Overview of the Book of Hebrews

c h a p t e r s    o n e    t h r o u g h    s e v e n


[1] In days past, God spoke to us through the prophets. But now, God has spoken to us by His Son, Jesus Christ. [2] Listen to him!


[3] Jesus is far superior to the angels. [4] If it was important for God’s people to obey the Mosaic law, which was proclaimed by angels, how much more should you listen to the word of salvation declared by Christ? [5] Despite Jesus’ supremacy, He humbled himself, becoming positionally lower than the angels by taking on human form. He did this in order to become both the high priest and the sacrifice for sins. [6] Jesus is due more honor than Moses, being more faithful as a Son than Moses was as a servant. [7] In Moses’ day, the Israelites failed to enter God’s rest because of their disobedience. [8] You also should be careful, lest you fail to enter God’s eternal rest. [9] Remember that the Word of God pierces as a word of judgment, revealing all our thoughts and actions.


[10] Since we have Christ as our great high priest, we should therefore hold fast to our commitment and draw near to God. Christ has been appointed after the order of Melchizedek. [11] I would like to tell you more about all of this, but your spiritual immaturity prevents me. You need to grow up, [12] for there is a real danger of falling away from God, which would be unimaginably terrible. [13] Nevertheless, as I recall your faithfulness in the past, I am confident that you will endure to the end. [14] As I was saying before, Jesus was appointed a high priest according to the order of Melchizedek, a better priestly line than that of Levi. Unlike the Levitical priests, Jesus never dies. He will always intercede for his people.



c h a p t e r s    e i g h t    t h r o u g h    t h i r t e e n


[15] Having died for sins as a sacrifice, Jesus returned to heaven and entered the true holy of holies to offer himself as a Day of Atonement offering. [16] His sacrificial offering inaugurated a new covenant, one that was anticipated by the prophet Jeremiah. [17] The old covenant, with its repetitive animal sacrifices in the earthly tent, was never intended to save people. [18] It foreshadowed the new covenant, in which the one-time offering of Jesus’ blood through death in the heavenly tent dealt decisively with sins. [19] Therefore, believers in Christ can and should draw near to the throne of God through Jesus Christ.


\[20] But be warned: if those who rejected the law of Moses perished in their sins, how much worse punishment will be given to those who reject Christ? [21] Again I look back on your obedience in the past, and I urge you to press on to receive the inheritance that lies ahead. [22] Consider the saints of old who endured numerous hardships by faith—and they never saw the promises fulfilled in their lifetimes! [23] And consider Jesus Christ, the ultimate example of faithfulness and endurance. Be like him, and do not grow weary in the midst of adversity. [24] For you have not come to Mt. Sinai, with its terrifying scenes of the old covenant, but you have to come to Mt. Zion, the city of the living God, to the new covenant promises of eternal life. [25] Now let me offer you one final warning: do not reject what you have heard, for judgment will surely come against those who do.


[26] In closing, I exhort you to take care how you live your life. Be holy and ever on your guard against the deceitfulness of sin. [27] May the Lord give you everything you need to endure in faithfulness and receive the promises of the new covenant.


Music by Cody Curtis

(“Ex Paradiso” music based on “In Paradisum” from Gabriel Fauré’s Requiem;

“The ABC’s of Theology” based on Ah! vous dirai-je, maman;

“The Old” and “The New” reference the hymn “Nothing by the Blood” by Robert Lowery;

“By Faith” music from Irish folksong “On the Rocky Road to Dublin”)


Lyrics by Cody Curtis

(“Death and Melchizedek” co-written by Melody Curtis).


Produced by Cody Curtis and Thomas Griffith

Orchestrated by Cody Curtis

Engineered by Cody Curtis; drums and organ engineered by Dewey Boyd

Recorded at Mattress Fort Studios; drums and organ recorded at Forty-one Fifteen

Mixed by Dewey Boyd at Forty-one Fifteen

Mastered by Taylor Bray

Artwork by Chris Hare and Cody Curtis


The Players 

Lead Vocals: Thomas Griffith and Kelsie Edgren


Flute: Hannah Porter

Clarinet: Jordan Mathenia

Trumpet: Joey Moore

Trombone: Tony Isom

Violin and Viola: Grace Shaw

(Arron Powell on "The Angels' Moment in the Sun,"

"Take Care, Pt. 1," and "By Faith")

Cello and Double Bass: Ben Rico


Harmonium: Thomas Griffith

Piano: Cody Curtis and Thomas Griffith

Keyboard and Electronics: Cody Curtis

Acoustic Guitar: Shane Caver and Thomas Griffith

Electric Guitar: Shane Caver

Bass Guitar: Matt Battistelli

Upright Bass: Jacob Vandiver

Drums and Aux Percussion: David Key

Orchestral Percussion: Mason Ruby


Background Vocals: Jill Baine, Melody Curtis, Cody Curtis,

Amanda Keller, Ken Litscher, and Whitney Pendergrass


Children's Choir: 

Claire, Sophie, Kianna, Riley, Raegan, and Hannah Martin

Lexi, Logan, and Griffin Brown

Cheyenne Maras

Anna Asher and Deacon Baine

Calli Anna Pendergrass

Thomas, Samuel, and William Moss



Tommy Azbill ("Listen!")

Kiley Wilson ("Ex Paradiso")

Christopher Roberts ("Shadows")

Clark Hubbard ("Fury: A Fourth Warning")


“Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”



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